Friday, May 11, 2007

San Francisco: Sunny and Warm

Simon Marks, Kristin McHugh, and I arrived in San Francisco on what must have been the warmest May day in years. Ninety degree temperatures are not what I expect from the Bay Area, but it was a welcome surprise.

Our panel discussion in the KQED atrium, a preview of "Beyond Fear: America's Role in an Uncertain World," was moderated by NPR's Richard Gonzales. Kristin played her segment from Djibouti along with many slides. Simon, who reported on nuclear issues in Ukraine and India for the radio documentary, gave a preview of a similar piece is is working on for the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer. Nu Nu Kidane of the Priority Africa Network also served on the panel.

The turnout for the event was small, but the discussion was passionate and invigorating. Special thanks to Gonzales as well as Elaine Shen and her community engagement team from KQED for all their work. I hope we can do this again!
--Keith Porter

Friday, May 4, 2007

KQED Readies for National Premiere

The final touches to "Beyond Fear: America's Role in an Uncertain World" are being applied. And Kristin, Simon, and I are in a mood to celebrate.

So we are headed to San Francisco for a gathering at KQED... and you are invited!
Monday, May 7
6-8 p.m.
KQED Atrium
2601 Mariposa Street
San Francisco, California

We invite you to join us for a panel discussion to explore new scenarios for US global leadership built on common action, trust, and hope—the subject of a new radio documentary from KQED Public Radio and the Stanley Foundation, "Beyond Fear: America's Role in an Uncertain World."
Panelists include Simon Marks, coproducer of Beyond Fear and an independent broadcaster whose reports air regularly on The News Hour with Jim Lehrer, the Fox News Channel, and MarketPlace; Kristin McHugh, coproducer of Beyond Fear and program officer at the Stanley Foundation; and Nu Nu Kidane of the African Action Network.

NPR's Richard Gonzales will moderate the discussion. The panel will present previews of the audio and video segments of their reports from India, Ukraine, Indonesia, and the Horn of Africa and lead the audience in a discussion of how global security and our own sense of security at home are linked.

Hope to see you there. Don't forget, "Beyond Fear" will premiere on KQED on May 9 at 8 p.m and be available for nationwide distribution the next day. Contact Ken Mills at (763) 513-9988 for carriage details.
--Keith Porter